Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What a Journey

Hi's me Bailey,

Wow, what a couple of crazy days I've had...definitely some new experiences for me, that's for sure!

It started Sunday night when I just couldn't get comfortable (and that darn diarrhea...ish!).  Momma Nancy slept on the couch with all night, well I guess she didn't sleep much so I should say stayed on the couch with me all night.  I was so, so restless and just felt like I had to pant all the time cuz I was just feeling funny.  So by morning my Mommas Nancy and Mary talked and thought they needed to call Dr. Jim and they kept saying things like, "I think the babies are coming today."  WTH, I had no idea what they were talking about.

Next thing I know Momma Nancy is loading me in the car...with my belly that was not fun.  That darn belly was getting in the way of so many things.  For example, the stairs, darn it, but I couldn't make it up them anymore I'd get hung up on my belly and just slide down.  So my days of sleeping in bed with Momma Nancy (on her pillow of course!) had come to an end.  Boo, cuz bedtime with Momma Nancy is the best.

Anyway, back to my story...I'm in the car and arrive at the nice place with lots of sweet people who pet me and scratch me behind the was all very good.  I was feeling pretty much like a princess by now, and well, I should cuz I am one after all.  They bring us back to a small room and here I am waiting with Momma Nancy.  ...I just love her.

After hanging out in here for awhile, I was scooted away by a nice lady and "my" people go somewhere out of sight to wait for awhile.  This I didn't like so much because while the nice lady is good she's started to poke me with a bunch of needles.  Oh, that was not so fun...but it did make me so very sleepy that after awhile I just closed my eyes.  There's a little part here where I can't tell the story because, well, I just don't remember, but I do have a few photos to share. I can start back up because I remember opening my eyes and seeing my most favorite person on Momma Nancy.  Oh my goodness, I was soooooo happy to see her that I tried to get right up.  I thought Momma Nancy was sad at first cuz there were lots of tears in her eyes, but it only took a moment for me to know she was just overwhelmed and happy to see me doing okay.  I didn't know what the fuss was all about but I didn't care...all was right with my world.


And you know what, things just keep getting better and better!  I told my Momma Nancy this summer (via the dog psychic..tee hee) that what I wanted most in the world was to be a mommy.  I guess they were listening, because now I have these fabulous SIX little babies to love up.  It's the best job in the world and I am being told that I am a very, very good bulldog mommy.  Hello!  Of course, what did they expect!


However, I'm still feeling pretty sleepy and my Momma Mary made me some scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning so with a full belly I'm thinking I need to close my eyes for a bit.  But be sure to check back, I imagine there will be lots of pictures and stories to come.

Love to all my fans, Bailey

PS  Oh my babies are doing fantastic...I'm keeping them full with lots of good bully milk.  :0)


  1. Oh Bailey! You're such a sweet momma! Thank you for sharing your story!! I love that photo of you sleeping w/your babies on your neck! I'm very happy everything is going well for you, Momma Nancy & Momma Mary! Loving the updates & your babies are just beautiful!!

  2. Bailey. You are one tough cookie. Thanks for being such a good mommy and taking such good care of your babies. They are as adorable as you are! Take care. Susie.
