Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Proverbial Brick Wall

It's Saturday!  TG!  To be honest with you all, yesterday I had a bit of "meltdown."  I guess the work week, puppies and everything just caught up with me and overwhelmed me.  SO, thankfully Bill was here to help me get myself regrouped and today I am feeling back on track...almost.

The puppy room needed a thorough cleaning last evening and we also rearranged so they have more room.  Plus, it's now set up for more convenient cleaning of their area.  They are using their potty pads very well and almost always go there for their poo...but if I'm not there to catch it right away, they romp right through it and make a HUGE, icky mess.  And they poo A LOT!

They are loving their new space and just about run around it, stalking each other and the brother/sister screaming wrestling has begun.  But that's how they learn their socialization with others.  Uma will be a challenge as she won't have her siblings to help her figure out what interacting with others is all about.  That will be our challenge to provide it for her.

Anyway, here's a few photos for the day.  Enjoy!

"We LOVE our people!"

"And, we LOVE our new space."
"Oh yeah, we LOVE Apple!"
"Momma had banished her to the kennel because she'd been out digging in the mud puddles.  Naughty Apple!"

"We LOVE each other!"

"And most of all, we LOVE just being cute!"

"The End"

1 comment:

  1. Awwww. I've said this a million times...they are SO adorable. I can't wait to see them again. Looks like they're starting to get spunky and show some personality! How FUN!
